To all those who did very badly in the common test( me included), jia you! I know there are a lot of cutting remarks from the teachers that we have bad attitude and we can't be bothered with our studies, but don't give up! We all know we did our best. 失败是成功之母, so we shouldn't wallow in our failures but carry on with life=)
Retesting is pretty demoralising for many of us, but its all for our own good. Just take it as an extra practice for improvement.
To Pa: Rejection hurts, doesn't it? No matter how many times you're rejected, don't give up on loving again. In a matter of time, someone who accepts you for who you are will enter your life. Just be patient. And treasure her when she comes.
To the attached people in class: Treasure your other half. Because after this year, its going to be a very difficult time, trust me. Build up your trust and care for each other. And a happy valentine's day to all^^
there i go again 12:18 pm
Friday, February 9
once upon a time, the biggest and the smallest animal of the empire were inside the fish tank trying to do an econs essay.
these two animals cannot stop talking.
and when the slowest animal came and we asked her who she think is the best guy in the class, we came up with a survey.
we stomped, crawled and flew over to the next table.
we asked them, ' who's the best guy in the class?'
slowly, we had a ' who's the best girl in the class?'
this 'best' we refering to is anything. character, personality, looks, whatever you want.
TINA with a total of 3 votes!
some reasons they give: CT rep, the first girl shiyong talked to, so he chose her. lol.
she was chosen by jeremy, shiyong and zhihe.
JIAQING with a total of 4 votes!
reasons: TRUSTWORTHY, the rest i can't remember. lol. cos this point most interesting(hmmmm).
chosen by yinwei, yenny, meiling and siew ming.
other girls voted include,
stella-2 votes
joan-2 votes
meiling-1 vote
yenny-1 vote
other guys voted include,
jeremy-2 votes
elwin-1 vote
poh wun-1 vote
shiyong-1 vote
if only the two animals can vote, then jeremy will draw with jiaqing.
some reasons given for choosing jeremy, sexy legs (by dino).
for shiyong, huilin said he's the only guy who can sing.
the guys didn't really give a reason for choosing the girl.
congrats to tina and jiaqing.
the biggest animal said she wanted to give these two a present.
well well.
and we came up with another topic for survey!
the most talkative guy and girl!
hahaha. can someone pls undertake this new survey?
and the very kawaii huilin wants to have a popularity contest.
this survey is purely for a bit of fun!
no hard feelings!
plus i hope the survey won't get overshadowed by questions regarding its importance.
it's just to brighten up ur day.
so just play and laugh along!
smile people!
Reported by the smallest animal.
there i go again 10:19 pm